Saturday, March 7, 2009

Surly Travelers Check 99% complete!

Just need to have the head tube thingie dressed up and it's done. Took it for a short ride in Burningtown today and it rode great. The Carridace saddle bag is humongous. Thanks Motion Makers!


  1. Jack, What a SWEEEEEET looking touring machine! The classic Brooks saddle really sets it off as a true touring classic. I like the shifters on the drops, very cool. Just don't wear brown jersey or cycling shorts or you'll look like a UPS man on a bike!
    Big Ben.

  2. Thanks Ben,

    We are doing the Assault on the Carolinas in a couple of weeks. See you there?

    We will probably be doing the kiddie ride (37miles) since it the first ride of the season.


  3. Looks like we both set up our Surlys similarly. Except I thought the Travelers Check came only in Blue? Is Surly offering other colors?

  4. This year Surly is offering the Travelers Check in any color you choose, as long as it's brown (just joking). I really wanted the blue, but I waited too long and, oh well. I've added the Ostrich front bag and Carridace Camper longflap, Nitto racks and stainless steel fenders. It weighs as much as my Toyota Corolla.

    Thanks for the post,

